Do deodorants increase risk for breast cancer?
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women and second most common overall. Although both men and women can be affected, it is 100 times more prevalent in women. Experts point to genetics, lifestyle, and environment as possible causes for breast cancer. It cannot be pointed to one specific reason, but you can consider the sum total of the various risks such as increase in age, cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, null parity, and family or personal history of cancer. In the recent past, another cause has been named which lead to public panic due to emails being circulated that deodorants or antiperspirants increase the risk for breast cancer.
Is this information true, then? Several studies have been made to prove or disprove such claim. First, let me state the grounds for this:
• Sweating is one way of releasing toxins from our body, though the percentage of toxins released through this is way smaller than that released through peeing or moving your bowels. With antiperspirants, there is a chemical suppression of sweating so it is believed that toxins are also kept. The build-up of toxins can increase risk of breast cancer. Although, this theory hasn’t been popularly supported by experts.
• The presence of parables, a substance present in both deodorants and antiperspirants. A study claimed that breast cancer is most likely to be diagnosed in women who use products with parabens. This chemical can be introduced into your body through nicks or cuts in the skin especially if you shave after applying the deodorant/antiperspirant. This has also been disputed because the study made is inconclusive.
• Aluminum level in the breast tissue especially in the upper, outer part of the breast has been found to be high in cases of breast cancer. Aluminum is a common ingredient in deodorants or antiperspirants. Among all the claims, this is the strong supporting evidence of the supposed increase in risk of breast cancer. However, no studies have been made to confirm this yet as there are claims that this is just a case of coincidence.
So, do deodorants/antiperspirants really increase the risk for breast cancer? The answer as of yet is that there’s no conclusive evidence supporting the link between the two. Earlier studies done in 2003 and 2004 show that there’s no substantial evidence to this. However, a more recent study claims that they may have a connection. The NCIS (National Cancer Institute) has announced that they’ll be supporting studies that will research more into this so the public can be well-informed. So, what do we do now? To be on the safe side, be careful in choosing your antiperspirants/deodorants. In the meantime, do not use those with parabens or aluminum and avoid shaving right after applying the product.
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